Whispers about Brookline Estate’s past
Skip Moskey has a book about the wealth of Larz and Isabel Anderson. They have become wealthy thru sheer hard work so it is no surprise there are a lot of people who are happy with their success. Moskey worked hard for his book as he even managed to interview some descendants of Larz and Isabel. It is not easy to get a hold of them since they could be at different places and could have gone under a different identity. The couple has no children and it is unknown why. Their estate is their baby so it really depends on the person if they want to take care of a nonliving thing instead of a real-life person. You have to give credit to Moskey for combining journals and letters for 6 years. That is really a great effort for someone who really wanted to publish his book.
He also went back and forth from Paris and France in order to tell a story that a lot of people would understand. This is a story that indeed needs to be retold over and over again. They had a 21 square foot mansion but now it is a parking lot. All their hard work going down the drain and nobody wants that to happen to anybody as it would be a bad feeling. There is no doubt a lot of people would love to own this huge estate. It would be a no-brainer for everyone to buy this at such a low price. However, it won’t be that easy because there are a lot of taxes to pay.
If it was that easy then a lot of people would have volunteered right away to buy the huge estate. There is no doubt they would have a lot of plans with it. They could turn it into a huge shopping mall which would be a good business venture. It would take a lot of convincing for some tenants to invest in it though. They knew what happened in that lot a few years ago and they would not want to disrespect the people who invested time and effort in order to make what it is today.